Present MoUs

Currently, IISc has about 117 active MoUs and agreements with international universities/institutions across the globe. Please find the country-wise list of active MoUs/Agreements:
List of active MoUs

MoU process: All the MoUs/agreements at IISc need to be consulted with its legal/IP teams through an online agreement portal by uploading the draft documents. Once the drafts are mutually accepted at both ends, MoU/agreements are finalized and executed.

1. General MoU or Letter of Intent: IISc prefers to initiate new cooperation with international Universities/Institutes through a general MoU or Letter of Intent (LOI) that helps to explore the cooperation in research and education. It could be across all fields in science and engineering, or specific to few areas of mutual interest that allows the joint collaborations, workshops and exchange of students/faculty/postdocs. 

Link: IISc Standard MoU template

Joint PhD supervision program: Although general MoU allows the joint supervision of students, Joint PhD supervision program (JSP) involves the identification of a collaborative project between IISc and Foreign University faculty as investigators, where the counterpart is listed as the joint supervisor of the student. The PhD student under this program can spend up to 18 months at its co-supervisor’s lab, while the degree will be awarded by the home institute. Home institution provides the travel support for visiting student, while the host institute can provide local support, that includes the stipend for visiting period on reciprocal basis. 

For this, additional document with program details needs to be formulated that could added as an Annexure or a separate agreement. Currently, we have been actively engaged with about 10 international universities through this program that includes Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, Australian National University, Technical University of Delft in Netherlands, University of Southern California, and Georgia Tech in USA etc.   

Link: Joint PhD supervision approval form

Note: JSP approval form needs to be submitted to OIR, along with the Student’ detailed CV/resume, Research proposal and Joint supervisor’s consent letter/email. With the recommendation of Chair-OIR, all the documents will be forwarded to the Deans (Faculty of Science & Engineering) for their review and discussion with the SCRC committee. Once approved, academic section would issue the letter.

Joint PhD/Doctoral program: Joint doctoral program (JDP) with foreign universities has been approved by IISc’ senate in 2019 and we have signed our first JDP agreement with the University of Melbourne, Australia. 

IISc-Melbourne Joint Doctoral program: The detailed information

Note: Once the JDP application of PhD student is accepted at both Institutes, the student needs to enroll for the Joint doctoral program at IISc and activate the fellowship by submitting JDP approval form to OIR, along with the Student’ detailed CV/resume, Comprehensive exam certificate, Joint research proposal, Joint Advisors’ consent letter, and Appointment letter from the partner university. OIR will forward all the documents for the approval of Deans and SCRC committee and further perusal. 

Link: Joint PhD/Doctoral approval form for IISc students 

For additional details, please contact Dr. Amita Sneh, International Relations Officer at or 080-2293-2560