On December 22, 2020, Patrick Fuchs graduated with a PhD degree from TU Delft as part of the IISc-TU Delft Joint PhD supervision programme. Dr. Fuchs visited Prof. KVS Hari’s lab at the Department of Electrical Electronics Communications twice and spent 2-3 months, each time. His PhD research is relevant to building affordable portable MRI systems, entitled “Electromagnetic Fields in MRI: Analytical Methods and Applications”. His PhD advisors are Prof. Remis, R.F. (TU Delft), Prof. Leus, G.J.T. (TU Delft) and Prof. Hari, K.V.S. (IISc) and Degree-granting institution is Delft University of Technology.
Office of International Relations wishes Dr. Patrick Fuchs all the very best for his future endeavors.