Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (IISc) and Brunel University London (Brunel) are planning to launch a series of joint webinars on design and manufacturing. The first joint seminar is scheduled on Thursday, December 2, 2021.
Topic: Design Research Methodology
Speakers: Prof Amaresh Chakrabarti (IISc) and Prof Hua Dong (Brunel)
Time: 15.30-17.00 (IST)
Venue: Zoom (please open zoom, go to ‘join meeting’ and use the ID and passcode)
ID 992 3787 8147
Passcode: university
About the talk:
This talk is dedicated to the memory of Cambridge Professor Emeritus Ken Wallace (1945-2018), who played a significant role in the initial development of the Design Research Methodology (DRM) and was a lifelong source of encouragement for the development and dissemination of the methodology. Amaresh Chakrabarti will introduce DRM with examples, and Hua Dong will talk about the DRM in relation to other methodology frameworks and process models, with examples.

Amaresh Chakrabarti, PhD
(Cambridge), HonFIED (UK), TUM Ambassador (Germany); Senior Professor and
Chairperson, Centre for Product Design and Manufacturing, Indian
Institute of Science
Chair, IISc Press (in collaboration with Cambridge
University Press, World Scientific)
Head, IISc-TCS Innov. Labs; Head, Innov., Design Study & Sustainability Lab (IdeasLab);
Head, CEFC on Smart Factory; Indian Institute of
Science, Bangalore 560012, INDIA
Editor-in-Chief (2017-), AI for Engineering Design Analysis & Manufacturing
Regional Ed.: J of Remanufacturing; Area Ed.: Research in Engg. Design
(both Springer)
Assoc. Ed.: Design Science J (CUP); Chair, Smart Mfg Committee, Bureau of
Indian Stds.
Ed.: Springer Book Series Design Sc. & Innov:

Hua Dong, PhD (Cambridge), Professor and Head of Brunel Design School, Brunel University London.
Hua is Fellow of Design Research Society (DRS) and Convenor of the Inclusive Design Special Interest Group of DRS. She has supervised 10+ Design PhDs to completion since 2008.