Thursday, May 20, 2021 from 10.00 AM to 1.00 PM IST (1.30 to 4.30 PM Japan time): Technical Session 2
Session Chairs:
TUS: Professor Hiroshi Okada
IISc: Professor Sajeev Krishnan
10.00 AM to 10.05 AM (India standard time) , 1.30 PM to 1.35 PM (Japan standard time): Welcome and Summary of Day 1 by the Session Chairs
10.05 AM to 10.35 AM (India standard time), 1.35 PM to 2.05 PM (Japan standard time): Talk by Professor Masato Kotsugi (TUS) on “Microstructure analysis in materials by topological data analysis”
10.35 AM to 11.05 AM (India standard time), 2.05 PM to 2.35 PM (Japan standard time): Talk by Dr. Sriram Ganapathy (IISc) on “Deep learning for Understanding Speech Perception via EEG”
11.05 AM to 11.35 AM (India standard time), 2.35 PM to 3.05 PM (Japan standard time): Talk by Professor Takahiro Tsukahara (TUS) on “Scalar-source estimation of turbulent mass diffusion using machine learning”
11.35 AM to 12.05 PM (India standard time), 3.05 PM to 3.35 PM (Japan standard time): Talk by Dr. Aditya Konduri (IISc) on “Scalar mixing in turbulent non-reacting and reacting flows”
12.05 PM to 12.15 PM (India standard time), 3.35 PM to 3.45 PM (Japan standard time): Break
12.15 AM to 12.45 PM (India standard time), 3.45 PM to 4.15 PM (Japan standard time): Talk by Professor Takuya Matsuzaki (TUS) on “Application and Analysis of Neural Language Model”
12.45 AM to 1.15 PM (India standard time), 4.15 PM to 4.45 PM (Japan standard time): Talk by Dr. Phani Motamarri (IISc) on “Towards fast and accurate exa-scale quantum-mechanical modeling of materials using real-space finite-element based methods.”
1.15 PM to 1.20 PM (India standard time), 4.45 PM to 4.50 PM (Japan standard time): Final discussion and Conclusive remarks by the Session Chairs (IISc & TUS) and end of Session 2
Meeting link: Click here to join the meeting
Link to the Brief Biography of participating members from TUS and IISc